Thursday, June 9, 2016

Review : secret key whipping milk hand cream

Hi girls, today i will make a skincare post again but it's not face skincare! Guess what? It's body skin care which is the secret key milk whipping hand cream. Since my previous the face shop skincare, i've never purchased any korean body care again since they are so expensive and i kinda feel stingy for expensive body care hehe. 

(Hai semuanya, hari ini aku akan buat post tentang perawatan kulit lagi, tapi bukan wajah yaa.. Yap, perawatan untuk tubuh. Aku udah ga pernah beli produk tubuh dari korea lagi karena harganya mahal. Dulu aku pakai the face shop dan sekarang lagi pakai the body shop. Tapi aku ga terlalu suka body shop karena baunya menyengat dan lengket lengket hehe..)

I unintededly bought this hand cream through some misfortune and it is the secret key whipping milk hand cream. As i have said, i bought this out of misfortune so i don't have hopes at all for this thing. I don't know how much does it cost, but i was tricked to buy it is Rp 90.000 and it is insanely expensive for just a hand cream and i couldn't say no because she insisted it is in the same package, so if i want to buy something, i need to purchase this as well.. What a suck! (Sorry for my language but i just can't keep my emotion) 

(Aku sebenarnya ga ada niat sama sekali untuk beli hand cream ini dan belinya karena lagi sial aja. Aku ga tahu berapa harganya dan dikasih mahal sama orang yang jual yaitu Rp 90.000 dan mahal banget untuk sebuah handcream. Aku ga bisa nolak karena dia bilang kalau mau beli suatu barang harus beli hand cream ini juga, kayak sepaket gitu. Ngeselin banget, awalnya aku beli tonymoly bb cream, trus barangnya habis ga boleh cancel, harus tukar dengan barang lain. Itupun lebih mahal! Gila kan? Ihh kesel banget sama tuh orang, semoga ga selamat di akhirat sana! Bisnis aja curang-curang lihat hidupnya gimana nanti.) maaf yaa marah-marah karena aku kesel banget. )

So, the packaging is made of plastic and in tube shape just usual. It contains donkey milk and it is stated that donkey milk is better than cow milk since it is more resembles to the mother's milk. I don't know anything about donkey milk, but i ever heard about goat's milk, are they in the same family genus? 

(Jadi kemasannya sih biasa aja. Warnanya biru muda campur putih. Mengandung susu keledai dan disitu sih ditulis susu keledai itu lebih baik darimpada susu sapi karena komposisinya lebih mendekati ke asi ibu. Aku sih ga pernah dengar ada susu keledai tapi pernah denger tentang susu kambing.)

the hand cream is white and the consistency is not oily. It leaves powdery and matte finish on skin. Since i feel so good using it on my hand (i hate oily hand cream), i used it all over my body and i think it works. 

(Hand cream ini warnanya putih dan gak berminyak kayak hand cream biasa. Kalau dioleskan, rasanya halus powdery dan hasilnya matte. Karena rasanya enak banget pakai hand cream ini, aku jadikan sebagai body lotion untuk seluruh tubuh dan lumayan efektif sih..)

It moisturize my skin well but not too deep. I can feel the effect fade away around 3-4 hours. But since i like lightweight moisturizer i guess this is enough. It doesn't feel sticky or slimy when you make contact with water. 

(Melembabkan kulit tapi ga sampai berminyak banget. Efek lembabnya akan mulai memudar sekitar 3-4 jam. Tapi karena ini adalah jenis pelembab yang ringan jadi ga masalah kalau jam pakainya cuman segitu. Tidak terasa licin atau lengket kalau terkena air.)

It smells like baby cream and actually i love it despite i've been tricked to buy it. If not, this will be my favourite item for body care to be honest. I really recommended it for you girls and the original price is actually around Rp60.000 

(Wanginya seperti cream untuk bayi dan sebenarnya aku suka krim ini kalau seandainya ga ditipu. Sebenarnya ini bisa jadi item favorit aku sih.. Aku recommend banget secret key whipping milk hand cream ini dan setelah aku cek, harganya cuman sekitar Rp 60.000.)

Thank you very much for reading my post and see yaa.. 

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