Monday, March 7, 2016

Review : etude house cleansing foam #walnut & etude house cleansing cream #soft and moist

Hi again, today i will post my new cleansing routine from etude house. I've been using etude house cleansing foam for a quite long time and i always choose the number 12 wine from the every month cleansing foam range. 

(Hi girls, hari ini aku mau post cleansing routine terbaruku. Dari dulu aku cuman pakai etudehouse cleansing foam every month yang nomor 12 wine)

Today i braved myself to change into number 11 Walnut series. Haha, maybe you would think it is not a big problem, but for me it is a matter of beauty skin or total disaster. Because commonly i will experience acne when i use wrong cleansing products. (Hello etude house real art cleansing oil? You have given me so many acnes last year!) 

(Jadi aku memberanikan diri untuk coba cleansing foam baru di nomor 11 yaitu walnut. Mungkin bagi beberapa orang ini bukan hal yang besar, tapi bagiku pencuci muka adalah hal yang sangat penting karena biasanya aku jerawatan kalau pakai pencuci muka yang salah. Dulu aku pernah pakai etude house cleansing oil real art dan hasilnya aku jerawatan parah) 

The walnut series has flowery smell and thick texture, it is easily spread on face and makes a lot of bubble. It can cleanse light to medium makeup but for eyeliner or mascara it can't wipe off perfectly. I think i like this walnut series but i prefer 12 wine since it smells better. 

(Seri walnut ini wanginya kayak bunga bunga dan texturenya creamy, mudah diusapkan ke wajah dan banyak busanya. Bisa buat ngebersihin makeup tipis sampai medium tapi untuk eyeliner dan mascara, ga bisa di hapus sampai benar benar bersih. Aku sih lebih milih yang seri nomor 12 dari pada 11)

 Next, i also purchased Etude House Every month cleansing cream in moist series. I thought my face needed more moisture and besides, etude house has a promotion for this month, if you buy the cleansing cream, you got 1 free cleansing foam. 

(Selanjutnya, aku juga ada beli cleansing foam etude seri moist karena aku pikir kulitku butuh kelembapan extra dan selain itu etude house sedang mengadakan promo yaitu beli satu cleansing cream free satu cleansing foam) 

It came with the same tube as the cleansing foam but bigger because it contains 180ml of product. The smell is like herbs and vegetables smell. If you see on the ingredients list, you can find about 22 plants extract there. 

(Kemasannya sama dengan cleansing foam tapi lebih besar karena isinya 180 ml. Wanginya seperti campuran sayuran dan tanaman obat. Kalau dilihat komposisinya, ada sekitar 22 macam extract tanaman dan sayuran) 

But unfortunately, it doesn't work on me. After 2 days of usage, i got zits and pimples! Oh, gosh i hate it. Then i checked on the composition, it contains mineral oil! You know some brands like innisfree always says their products do not contain mineral oil, so i searched on google about mineral oil, it is actually bad for skin. I will tell you more about it in the next post)

(Sayangnya, cleansing cream ini ga cocok di kulitku karena setelah 2 hari pemakaian, mulai muncul deh jerawat2 yang ga ada isinya di muka ku. Saat aku baca komposisinya, ternyata cream ini mengandung mineral oil! Kalau kalian sering beli produk korea kayak innisfree pasti sering dicantumkan "tidak mengandung mineral oil" setelah aku cek di google, ternyata mineral oil itu ga baik buat kulit terutama wajah. Aku akan bahas tentang mineral oil di post ku selanjutnya) 

So for the summary, i pretty much like the walnut cleansing foam series but it is no match for the 12 wine series. As for the cleansing cream, i have stopped using it and will likely put it in giveaway section or really give it to some one haha. I hope this post will help any of you girls! Thank you for reading and please leave comments

(Kesimpulannya, aku lumayan suka cleansing foam yang seri walnut tapi memang ga sebagus yang seri 12 wine. Untuk cleansing creamnya, aku udah ga pernah pakai lagi dan rencananya sih mau untuk giveaway atau kasih ke orang hehe. Aku harap tulisan ini bisa bantu girls yang sedang kepingin beli produk serupa. Thank you banget udah read blog aku dan comment yaa.. ) 

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